Feel Your Connection With The Universe

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We Guide in Harnessing The Cosmic Power

Cosmic power refers to the universal energy that permeates everything in existence. It encompasses the forces of nature, the interconnectedness of all life, and the underlying fabric of reality.

Distance Healing

“Distance Healing, also known as remote energy healing, is a technique where physical presence is not necessary for receiving healing. In this practice, the healer sends their intention to heal, which is then received by the client through an instant transmission. The healer can access information about the client in real time and transmit healing energy. This phenomenon is explained by Quantum physics, specifically the concept of entanglement theory. When two energy particles come into contact, they can share information or mirror each other, even if separated by time and space. Albert Einstein famously referred to this phenomenon as ‘spooky action at a distance’.

Bio Energy Healing

Bioenergy healing is a form of alternative therapy that integrates a holistic approach to promote wellness by balancing the individual’s energy field. It is rooted in the concept that the body, mind, and spirit are interconnected and that physical and emotional health are closely linked. This therapy is based on the belief that improving the energy flow within the body can enhance the natural healing process, addressing issues on a physical, emotional, and even spiritual level. While it is considered complementary to traditional medicine, many seek out bioenergy healing for its non-invasive nature and its focus on the body’s own capacity to heal.

Chakra Healing

Chakra healing is a form of energy medicine that aims to balance and harmonize the chakras, which are believed to be centers of life force or vital energy within the human body. In Sanskrit, ‘chakra’ translates to ‘wheel’ or ‘disk’, referring to the various focal points in the subtle body that correspond to different physical, emotional, and spiritual states. The practice involves a variety of techniques, including meditation, yoga, breathing exercises, and the use of affirmations to address imbalances in these energy centers. There are seven main chakras, each located along the spine, from the base to the crown of the head, and each is associated with specific aspects of our being. When chakras are balanced, individuals may experience improved physical, mental, and emotional well-being.

Reiki Healing

Reiki healing is a form of alternative therapy commonly referred to as energy healing. It emerged in Japan in the late 1800s and involves the transfer of universal energy from the practitioner’s palms to their patient. The technique is based on the idea that an unseen “life force energy” flows through us and is what causes us to be alive. If one’s “life force energy” is low, then we are more likely to get sick or feel stress, and if it is high, we are more capable of being happy and healthy. Reiki treatments can be hands-on, where the practitioner touches the patient, or distant, where the practitioner and patient are in different locations. Proponents of Reiki suggest it can treat many conditions and emotional states, while critics argue that it has not been conclusively proven effective in controlled clinical trials.

Reconnective Healing

Reconnective Healing® is a form of energy healing that was developed by Dr. Eric Pearl. It is said to transcend traditional energy healing techniques by tapping into a spectrum of energy, light, and information. This approach is believed to bring about healing not just on a physical level, but also on a mental, emotional, and spiritual level. Advocates of Reconnective Healing® claim that it can restore balance and harmony in the body without the need for direct contact or traditional healing methodologies. It is a holistic practice that aims to connect individuals with the essence of their being to promote health and well-being.

Crystal Healing

Crystal healing is a practice considered by many as a form of alternative medicine, involving the use of various crystals and gemstones. It is believed by some that these crystals have healing properties that can benefit the mind, body, and soul. Despite its popularity in certain circles, it’s important to note that crystal healing is not supported by scientific evidence and is often classified as pseudoscience. While some individuals report personal benefits, these effects are generally attributed to the placebo effect rather than any measurable impact the crystals may have.

Frequently Asked Questions

It has been scientifically proven that every living creation is made up of electromagnetic energy which vibrates at different frequencies. You may have heard this described in the past as an ‘Aura’ or ‘Chi’ energy, which flows through the body in order to maintain health and well-being, both physically and emotionally. Energy healing is the clearing and re-balancing of the entire physical body and the electromagnetic energy field that surrounds it.

When the body’s energy field or chakras become blocked, it allows physical/mental illness to form and take hold. By removing these blockages and re-establishing the energy flow throughout both the physical body and the energy field surrounding it, the body’s own natural healing mechanism is restored.

Depending on your condition you will be either sitting or lying down. We will then scan for energy blockages/disturbances within your body by placing his hands over it in order to pinpoint the exact location of the blockage/weakness. Once located, We will begin work clearing the blockage/disturbance from your energy field. The whole experience is very calming and non-invasive.

This really depends on the severity of your condition, and the strength of the interaction between your energy field and the physical body. Some patients have experienced complete healing of their ailment very quickly, within 2-3 sessions. Others have experienced improvements with each treatment, but have taken longer to reach the point of complete healing.

Energy blockages become entrenched over time, like bad habits. In order to move and clear these blockages, it is a gradual process of breaking them down and restoring the flow of energy back to its natural state. You may find that after just one session you feel almost if not completely cured, but small blockage traces may still exist and in leaving them untreated they will again gradually build up over time into a much more serious condition.

Each client is individual, as is their condition, and as a result the rate at which energy flows through them and healing takes place is different. You have most undoubtedly at some point in your life heard of some people being referred to as ‘good healers’. This basically means their bio energy field is more receptive to positive healing energies and the body responds to this by healing itself faster. It is therefore, as is the case with all medical treatments, impossible to give an exact timeline for your body to respond, but in general patients have reported feeling a significant improvement in their conditions 3-5 days after their very first session.


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